Supporting safer & healthier workplaces

ENABLE>WHS is a Work Health & Safety (WHS) module designed to help businesses better manage their compliance with their WHS compliance & regulatory requirements. ENABLE>WHS focuses on core WHS elements to make processes easier for all users irrespective of their background or knowledge via the centralised storage of data in secure WHS files.

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Enabling Work Health & Safety (WHS)

Developing a strong safety culture in your business & enhancing safety expertise is important in minimising workplace injuries, workers compensation claims as well as business & financial impacts. ENABLE>WHS leverages industry expertise in developing a targeted WHS cloud-based module designed to help businesses meet their work health & safety obligations in supporting compliance with legislation.


ENABLE>WHS is a smart, intuitive & customisable Work Health & Safety (WHS) system. Designed to be quick to implement & easy to use, ENABLE>WHS can help you achieve WHS compliance, minimise & control risks as well as embed important safety processes, documents, forms, checklists & templates within your business or workplaces.

ENABLE>WHS is an optional E>S module providing internal & external people across your business access to:

  • Hazard, incidents & injury management
  • Risk management & investigations
  • Hazardous chemical registers, fire alarm reports, toolbox/pre-start talks, etc
  • Record management & reporting
  • Integrating WHS forms to your sites & sub-locations (e.g. work areas, workspaces, etc)
  • Complete core customisable forms including:
    • Identify a workplace hazard
    • Report an incident
    • Register an injury
    • Workers compensation claim management
  • Store & communicate critical information
    • Assign & monitor Actions
    • Attached photos, videos, files or documents
    • Notify other system users
    • Policies & Procedures such as Safety Data Safety (SDS), Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), etc
    • Checklists
  • Access important Registers (e.g. Register of Injuries), filter on ratings, status & export data
  • Document generation
  • Reporting

* Contractor Management integration is available with our development team continuing to refine functionality

Helping you

Centralise storage of WHS data & information

Document generation

Better understand & manage workplace risks

Communicate Policies & Procedures

Helping support compliance with WHS record keeping

Secure WHS file access

Manage Hazards, Incidents, Injuries, Claims, etc

Better manage workplace inspections

Integrate WHS Investigations


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Specialist Areas


Our unique ability to combine our extensive technical expertise with commercial experience assists in ensuring IT strategy Strategies create an information technology capability for maximum, and sustainable value for an organisation.


Our system design process includes defining the architecture, modules, interfaces and data required for a system to satisfy specified client requirements. Systems design translates systems design theory to actual product development.


Systems development is the process we adopt in defining, designing, testing and implementing new software applications or programs. We often include the internal development of customised systems, the creation of data models, and database systems in defining successful project goals.


In implementing an effective cloud-based system, our process incorporates defining how the information system should be built, ensuring that the information system is operational and effectively used as well as meets quality standards.


Having the right people to contact when you need help is important. Our team takes pride in providing personalised and professional technical support to help ensure your company systems run smoothly. Hosting servers have 99.9% up-time helping you stay operational when you need.


Our consulting services provide expert advice, guidance, and solutions tailored to specific businesses seeking assistance with their software or IT-related needs. We leverage our in-depth knowledge and experience in software development, information technology, and industry best practices to help you achieve your goals.